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. 2019 Jul 3;10:1524. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01524


The normalized 16PF personality traits and aberrant driving behaviors of the four groups of subjects (X¯±s).

Inapprehension Insensitivity Apprehension Unreasoning
Total group group group group
Feature (n = 36) (n = 9) (n = 11) (n = 10) (n = 6) F P
Warmth (A) 4.72±1.86 5.67±3.73 3.73±1.49 4.70±1.83 5.17±2.14 2.121 0.117
Reasoning (B) 6.17±2.20 7.67±5.82 5.82±1.66 7.30±0.67 2.67±1.86 18.852∗∗ <0.0005
Emotional Stability (C) 5.19±1.58 5.11±6.36 6.36±1.43 4.30±1.64 4.67±1.37 4.203* 0.013
Dominance (E) 4.36±1.38 4.56±4.64 4.64±0.92 3.40±0.84 5.17±1.47 2.934* 0.048
Liveliness (F) 5.78±1.49 6.22±5.73 5.73±1.68 5.20±1.62 6.17±0.98 0.894 0.455
Rule-Consciousness (G) 5.19±1.58 5.89±5.64 5.64±1.63 4.40±1.51 4.67±1.03 2.110 0.119
Social Boldness (H) 5.00±1.33 5.44±5.45 5.45±1.21 4.30±1.16 4.67±1.63 1.958 0.140
Sensitivity (I) 6.44±1.27 7.22±5.27 5.27±1.27 6.80±1.03 6.83±0.75 7.092∗∗ <0.001
Vigilance (L) 4.17±1.18 3.89±3.91 3.91±1.38 4.40±1.17 4.67±0.52 0.813 0.496
Abstractedness (M) 7.08±1.44 7.67±6.18 6.18±1.33 7.80±1.32 6.67±1.63 3.554* 0.025
Privateness (N) 4.42±1.36 4.67±3.91 3.91±1.51 4.50±1.27 4.83±0.98 0.798 0.504
Apprehension (O) 6.64±1.69 4.78±6.09 6.09±0.94 8.20±0.92 7.83±1.17 21.856∗∗ <0.0005
Openness to Change (Q1) 4.78±1.24 5.11±4.64 4.64±1.29 4.50±0.97 5.00±1.79 0.470 0.705
Self-Reliance (Q2) 4.97±1.59 5.44±4.64 4.64±1.36 5.40±2.01 4.17±1.47 1.196 0.327
Perfectionism (Q3) 5.86±1.36 6.89±6.27 6.27±1.1 4.90±0.74 5.17±1.33 6.144∗∗ 0.002
Tension (Q4) 5.89±1.62 5.33±5.09 5.09±1.58 6.60±1.26 7.00±2.10 3.424* 0.029
Times of driving out of the road 5.17±6.55 3.33±3.74 4.64±3.78 3.10±3.07 8.17±5.78 2.374 0.089
Times of car collision 5.86±4.48 4.11±2.37 5.09±4.74 5.50±5.28 10.33±2.16 3.049* 0.043
Driving Time (s) 416.24±53.47 420.13±51.96 430.18±46.38 405.08±43.60 403.40±84.11 0.503 0.683

*P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01.