VLSM analysis results. a) Results of the VLSM analysis for the overall finger imitation scores. VLSM-parameter: minimum lesion overlay 10% (n = 29), level of significance p < .05, uncorrected. Please note: this analysis did not reveal any significant voxels at p < .05 after controlling for multiple comparisons using FDR-correction. Thus, in all analyses on finger imitation, results are reported at the uncorrected significance level of p < .05. b) Results of the separate VLSM for the mean imitation scores of a) the three meaningful (MF, red) and the two meaningless (ML, blue) gestures. Magenta voxels represent the overlap between both VLSM (VLSM-parameter: see Fig. 2a). c) Results of the VLSM for the difference between the mean imitation scores of ML minus MF finger gesture imitation (VLSM-parameter: see Fig. 2a). Note that there were no voxels associated with the difference MF minus ML finger imitation at the significance level of p < .05, uncorrected.