Organotypic cultures of the mouse brainstem. (A) Plates of brain atlas corresponding to the level chosen for rostral (1–4) and caudal (5–7) slices to set up organotypic cultures. (B) Authentic organotypic slices cultured from mouse brainstem. (C) Map of catecholamine nuclei of the mouse brainstem from pons to medulla oblongata from Bregma= −4.3 to Bregma= −7.8. The diagram shows the anatomical localization of each brainstem catecholamine nuclei. From each brainstem, 16 coronal sections (250 µm thickness) were sampled with a 250 µm interval. Eight sections were treated with vehicle (Veh), while 8 were administered various corticosterone (CS) doses. The diagram shows the rostro-caudal extension of the rostral (from Bregma= −4.3 to Bregma= −6.3) and the caudal part (from Bregma= −6.3 to Bregma= −7.8) of the mouse brainstem. (D,E) Real time PCR analysis of the Bax/Bcl2 mRNA ratio in organotypic cultures of the rostral or caudal part of the mouse brainstem at 24 h vehicle (Veh, ethanol 0.01%) or CS (0.1, 0.5 or 1 µM in ethanol 0.01%) incubation. The value reported for the vehicle in Figure 1D was standardized based on vehicle of Figure 1C. This means that in baseline conditions, the BAX/Bcl2 ratio is higher in the caudal compared with rostral brainstem.