Evolution of tRNA[Ser]Sec expression levels in response to the CRISPR-Cas9-VLP treatments and/or addition of selenium (100 nM) in Hek293 (A) and HAP1 (B) cell lines. Cells were treated with increasing amounts of CRISPR-Cas9-VLPs, targeting either tRNA[Ser]Sec or EMX gene. Four days after transduction, cells were grown for another four days with or without 100 nM Se in the culture medium. Total RNAs were extracted and 15 μg were analyzed by northern blot using tRNA[Ser]Sec (green) and tRNASer (red) DNA probes for hybridization. The levels of tRNA[Ser]Sec were normalized over the ones of tRNASer and expressed relative to the first lane, which was set to 100%. In the right panels, the decrease of tRNA[Ser]Sec levels was plotted as a function of Cas9 amount in control conditions (Ctl, grey circles) or with a 100 nM Se concentration in the medium (black circles).