Different effects of PPARγ isoforms in BPH1 cells. BPH1 cells were transfected with vector control, PPARγ1, or PPARγ2 expressing vectors along with PPRE-luc and pRL SV40 (for B). A. Western blot for expression of PPARγ1 or γ2 in transfected BPH1 cells. B. Cells were transfected with PPRE-luc + pRL SV40 and treated as indicated. The following day, relative luciferase activity was measured. PPARγ activity was stimulated by pio but only slightly inhibited by T007. C. The growth of transfected BPH1 cells relative to day 0 was measured. Exogenous expression of either PPARγ1 or γ2 did not affect their growth and did not make them sensitive to T007. D. The growth of transfected BPH1 cells in a soft agar colony forming assay was measured. Exogenous expression of γ1 increased growth of BPH1 colonies, and was inhibited by T007. However, T007 treatment of γ2 expressing cells caused increased growth (*P<0.05 difference from control cells).