Figure 4. LTR-ERV and LINE-type transposons show distinct landing preferences.
(A) One genomic region that is targeted by LTR transposons, but not I-element, from Chromosome 3R is shown.
(B) Hotspot analysis for the retrotransposons that made more than 5000 new insertions in our study. The fly genome is split into 13391 bins. Assuming there is no landing preference, the number of theoretical insertions per bin is calculated. And this number is used to define the enrichment for each bin (based on the insertions practically detected). The regions that have ⩾ 10-fold enrichment are classified as hotspots.
(C) Circos plot to display the hotspots for all four retrotransposons. Inner circle shows piRNA clusters in fly genome. LTR-ERV transposons share significant number of hotspots, but not with the LINE-type I-element.