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. 2019 Apr 25;24(17):1800529. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.17.1800529

Table 1. Number of measles cases in the residential population with known vaccination status during a large outbreak, by age group and vaccination status, Berlin, October 2014–August 2015.

Age group (years) Vaccinated Unvaccinated Total
MCV1 MCV2 Unknown number of doses Total
n % n % n % n % n % n
2–5 6 6.98 2 2.33 1 1.16 9 10.47 77 89.53 86
6–15 1 0.52 5 2.59 4 2.07 10 5.18 183 94.82 193
16–23 6 3.49 7 4.07 1 0.58 14 8.14 158 91.86 172
24–30 11 7.05 13 8.33 2 1.28 26 16.67 130 83.33 156
31–42 18 10.84 13 7.83 4 2.41 35 21.08 131 78.92 166
Total 42 5.43 40 5.17 12 1.55 94 12.16 679 87.84 773

MCV: measles-containing vaccine.

Ages included are 2–42 years.