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. 2019 Apr 30;10(4):590–605. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy130


Grouping of fruits and vegetables in food guides

Number % (of 78)1
Fruits and vegetables grouped together 33 42.3
Fruits and vegetables comprise 2 groups 45 57.7
Potatoes included with vegetables2 14 17.9
Inclusion of potatoes cannot be determined3 3 3.8
Legumes included with vegetables 9 11.5
Inclusion of legumes cannot be determined3 6 7.7
Juice included 18 23.1
Inclusion of juice cannot be determined3 30 38.5

1Denominator is the 78 countries that use a food guide and provided it to the FAO.

2In most cases, Irish potatoes are the only pale root/tuber depicted with vegetables; in the very few cases where other starchy pale roots/tubers (e.g., yams) are included with vegetables, Irish potato is also included. Other colored root vegetables (beetroot, carrot, etc.) are consistently included with vegetables, as are turnips, radishes, etc.

3Groupings could not be determined when: 1) the food item was not clearly pictured, or when the food guide was scanned and quality was poor; and 2) when other available documents either could not be translated or did not mention the food items in group descriptions or portion size examples.