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. 2019 Apr 30;10(4):590–605. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy130


Key messages about protein foods conveyed by more than 5 countries—types and examples

Number1 % (of 90)
Any key message about protein foods 67 74
 “Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, eggs, dried beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues” (Philippines)
Mentions both animal and plant sources of protein 33 37
 “Eat fish, lean meat, eggs, legumes and pulses regularly” (Thailand)
Mentions only animal sources of protein 27 33
 “Eat either fish, poultry, meat, milk or eggs every day” (Sierra Leone)
Mentions only plant sources of protein 6 7
 “Include peas, beans and nuts in your daily meals” (Jamaica)
Choose lean meats, or remove fat from meat 31 34
 “Choose lean meats (e.g. poultry, rabbit) and fish over red meat” (Croatia)
 “Select lean meat and alternatives prepared with little or no added fat or salt. Trim the visible fat from meats. Remove the skin from poultry. Use cooking methods such as roasting, baking or poaching that require little or no added fat. If you eat luncheon meats, sausages or pre-packaged meats, choose those lower in salt (sodium) and fat” (Canada)
Limit or moderate meat consumption in general 12 13
 “Eat meat in moderation” (Poland)
 “Limit consumption of meat products” (Slovenia)
Limit or moderate consumption of specific types of meat (red, processed, and/or cured) 10 11
 “Eat less red and processed meat, no more than 500 grams a week. Only a small amount of this should be processed meat” (Sweden)
Limit or moderate egg consumption 6 7
 “Eat milk and dairy products every day; fish once or twice a week; and meat, sausages and eggs in moderation” (Germany)
Eat fish 24 27
 “Eat fish at least twice a week” (Iceland)
 “Eat more fish; it's a good source of protein as well as containing important vitamins and minerals. Try to eat oily fish at least once a week, for example, mackerel, sardines and salmon. These are high in omega 3 fats” (Ireland)
Eat meat 5 6
 “To prevent anaemia, schoolchildren, adolescents and young women should eat offal once per week” (Colombia)
Eat X times per week 34 38
 “Eat beans, peas, lentils, cowpeas, pigeon peas, soya, nuts and edible seeds regularly (at least four times a week). Eat lean meat, fish and seafood, poultry, insects or eggs at least twice a week” (Kenya)
Not mentioned but implied in diversity message (by reference to food guide)2 10 11.1
 “Eat foods from each food group every day to have a complete diet” (Portugal)
No key message conveyed but protein foods are shown in food guide 11 12.2

1Sums to more than 90 because some countries have multiple messages about protein foods. Also many key messages contain more than 1 idea and are counted for several.

2Considered to be implied when a key messages directs the reader to eat all food groups, and protein foods are separate food group(s) in the food guide (this is so in nearly all food guides).