Figure 1.
(A) Box and whisker plot showing absolute ischemic core volume (mL) on 24-hour follow-up imaging, with patients stratified by poor versus good collaterals and further divided by reperfused/recanalized (red, N=54) and not reperfused/recanalized (blue, n=62). Collateral status was associated with a significant difference in ischemic core volume for the “not reperfused/recanalized” patients (p=0.003), but not in reperfused/recanalized patients (p=0.423). (B) Box and whisker plot showing ischemic core growth (mL) between the baseline and 24-hour follow-up imaging in the same cohort. Collateral status was associated with a significant difference in ischemic core growth for the “not reperfused/recanalized” patients (p=0.014), but not in reperfused/recanalized patients (p=0.827).