S. pyogenes
(A) or wild-type or staphyloxanthin-deficient (ΔCRTM) Staphylococcus strains (B) were grown to logarithmic phase and applied on a gauze rectangle to the dorsal skin of Retnla−/− or wild-type mice under occlusion for 2 days. CFU were determined in sections of inoculated skin.
S. pyogenes was injected intradermally into the skin of Retnla−/− or wild-type mice. Skin abscesses were removed and CFU were determined. Each symbol represents one mouse. Means±SEM are plotted *P<0.05; ***P<0.001; ns=not significant by Welch’s t-test (A,B) or unpaired t-test (C).
See also Figure S4.