Table 1.
Phenomenological profilea | Proposed implications for treatment |
Respiratory profile | |
Prominent RSs during/outside PAs. ↑Behavioral/respiratory sensitivity to 35% CO2/65% O2 challenge. Abnormalities in respiratory patterns: ↓end-tidal pCO2, respiratory irregularity, ↓HCO3−/PO4− hematic levels. Presence of current smoking. Presence of current/lifetime asthma/COPD. |
Pharamacological treatments to reduce PAs: among SSRIs, paroxetine/sertaline; among TCAs, clomipramine; among BDZs, clonazepam. Noradrenergic compounds not recommended. Somatic treatments to reduce PAs: BRT, aerobic exercise, quitting smoking programs. |
Cardiac profile | |
Prominent CSs during/outside PAs. Abnormalities in cardiac/autonomic patterns: ↓HRV, impaired circardian BP pattern, ECG abnormalities. Low cardiopulmonary fitness, exercise avoidance. Presence of current/lifetime CDs. Presence of current smoking. Presence of additional CVRFs: ↑CRP, ↑PDW, ↑MPV, ↑RDW, ↑cholesterol, ↑homocysteine. |
No data about preferential clinical responses to medications. Medications with more favorable profile on cardiac function: paroxetine, sertraline (with regular monitoring of cholesterol levels). TCAs not recommended. Clonazepam: caution in Is-PD with ↓HRV. Somatic treatments: aerobic exercise; healthy dietary patterns (Mediterranean diet, omega 3-fatty acids/probiotics), quitting smoking programs, BRT. |
Vestibular profile | |
Prominent VSs during/outside PAs. Abnormalities in balance system function: impaired postural control, ↑sensitivity to visual-vestibular patterns. |
Pharamacological treatments: citalopram, sertraline, imipramine (clinical observations). Somatic treatments: vestibular rehabilitation. |
Derealization/Depersonalization profile | |
Prominent D/DSs during/outside PAs EEG abnormalities. |
No data about preferential clinical responses to medications. In case of EEG abnormalities: evaluate the opportunity of using clonazepam/anticonvulsants. |
Note: aThe higher the number of features, the higher the prominence of the phenomenological profile.
Abbreviations: BDZs, benzodiazepines; BP, blood pressure; BRT, breathing therapy; CDs, cardiac diseases; CO2, carbon dioxide; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRP, C-reactive protein; CVRFs, cardiovascular risk factors; CSs, cardiac symptoms; D/DSs, derealization/depersonalization symptoms; ECG, electrocardiogram; EEG, electroencephalogram; HCO3−, bicarbonate; HRV, heart rate variability; Is-PD, individuals suffering from panic disorder; MPV, mean platelet volume; O2, oxygen; PAs, panic attacks; pCO2, partial pressure CO2; PD, panic disorder; PDW, platelet distribution width; PO4−, phosphate; RDW, red cell distribution width; RSs, respiratory symptoms; SNRIs, serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; TCAs, tricyclic antidepressants; VSs, vestibular symptoms; ↑, high; ↓, low.