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. 2019 Jun 24;11(12):4066–4074. doi: 10.18632/aging.102037

Table 3. Estimates of contrasts of models of longevity with variance including gender and the interaction between gender and independent variables; CR, life extending mutations, or both.

Estimate SE t-value df 𝛘2 (LRT) p-value
Diet Intercept (F) 0.375 0.442 0.850
Gender (M) -0.756 0.625 -1.210 1 2.02 0.156
Median age -0.032 0.433 -0.074 1 0.01 0.928
Interaction Gender x Median -0.058 0.659 -0.088 0.01 0.914
Genotype Intercept (F) 0.298 0.494 0.603
Gender (M) -0.576 0.616 -0.936 1 1.16 0.282
Median age -0.192 0.457 -0.420 1 0.25 0.616
Interaction Gender x Median 0.124 0.644 0.192 1 0.07 0.798
Diet+Gen. Intercept (F) 0.379 0.450 0.843
Gender (M) -0.810 0.454 -1.787 1 3.83 0.050
Median age 0.567 0.347 1.636 1 3.25 0.071
Interaction Gender x Median -0.573 0.477 -1.202 1 1.97 0.161

Estimate, standard error and t-value are from linear mixed models with strain as random effect variable. 𝛘2 and p-value are from a Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) where the model with the independent variable is compared to the model without that variable.