Figure 4. IHC on prostate TMA identifies altered ESR1+ cell subset in BPH.
(A–D) Hematoxylin and eosin stains of representative normal prostate and BPH-matched pair. Original magnifications, ×200 and ×800 (insets). (E–H) CHGA immunostaining (marker of neuroendocrine cells) shown for same case; note depletion of neuroendocrine cells in BPH. (I) CHGA IHC scores across all TMA cases (n = 22 normal and n = 21 BPH). Mean (red) and SD (blue) shown; P values generated from 2-tailed Student’s t test. (J–M) ESR1 immunostaining shown for same case; note depletion of periglandular ESR1+ fibroblast-like cells in BPH. (N) ESR1 IHC scores across all TMA cases (n = 21 normal and n = 20 BPH).