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. 2019 Mar;58(1):157–166. doi: 10.20471/acc.2019.58.01.20

Table 4. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients among the HAQ-DI, SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF.

SF36PF 1.000 0.423* 0.276 0.205 0.261 0.307 0.307 0.395 0.531** 0.149 0.317 0.466* -0.699**
SF36RP 0.423* 1.000 0.497* 0.270 0.412* 0.453* 0.416* 0.477* 0.423* 0.299 0.092 0.417* -0.334
SF36RE 0.276 0.497* 1.000 .459* 0.657** 0.714** 0.562** 0.566** 0.488* 0.689** 0.297 0.423* -0.322
SF36VT 0.205 0.270 0.459* 1.000 0.749** 0.327 0.145 0.526** 0.338 0.480* 0.169 0.307 -0.030
SF36ME 0.261 0.412* 0.657** 0.749** 1.000 0.521** 0.313 0.577** 0.389 0.788** 0.379 0.560** -0.148
SF36SF 0.307 0.453* 0.714** 0.327 0.521** 1.000 0.904** 0.749** 0.766** 0.739** 0.273 0.496* -0.580**
SF36BP 0.307 0.416* 0.562** 0.145 0.313 0.904** 1.000 0.623** 0.718** 0.556** 0.186 0.375 -0.652**
SF36GH 0.395 0.477* 0.566** 0.526** 0.577** 0.749** 0.623** 1.000 0.510** 0.621** 0.041 0.573** -0.409*
WHOPH 0.531** 0.423* 0.488* 0.338 0.389 0.766** 0.718** 0.510** 1.000 0.511** 0.381 0.498* -0.769**
WHOPSY 0.149 0.299 0.689** 0.480* 0.788** 0.739** 0.556** 0.621** 0.511** 1.000 0.407* 0.499* -0.252
WHOSR 0.317 0.092 0.297 0.169 0.379 0.273 0.186 0.041 0.381 0.407* 1.000 0.273 -0.403*
WHOENV 0.466* 0.417* 0.423* 0.307 0.560** 0.496* 0.375 0.573** 0.498* 0.499* 0.273 1.000 -0.490*
HAQ-DI TOTAL -0.699** -0.334 -0.322 -0.030 -0.148 -0.580** -0.652** -0.409* -0.769** -0.252 -0.403* -0.490* 1.000

*Correlation significant at the 0.05 level; **correlation significant at the 0.01 level; SF-36 = Short Form Health Survey; SF36PF = Short Form Health Survey-Physical Functioning; SF36RP = Short Form Health Survey-Role Limitation due to Physical Problems; SF36RE = Short Form Health Survey-Role Limitations due to Emotional Problems; SF36VT = Short Form Health Survey-Vitality; SF36ME = Short Form Health Survey-Mental Health; SF36SF = Short Form Health Survey-Social Functioning; SF36BP = Short Form Health Survey-Body Pain; SF36GH = Short Form Health Survey-General Health Perception; WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-BREF; WHOPH = World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-BREF-Physical Health; WHOSR = World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-BREF-Social Relationship; WHOPSY = World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-BREF-Psychological; WHOENV = World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-BREF-Environment; HAQ-DI TOTAL = Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index-Total score