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. 2019 Jul 9;7:273. doi: 10.3389/fped.2019.00273

Table 1.

Summary of findings: microcirculatory studies performed in neonates.

Reference HVM Study population n Area of interest Findings
Genzel-Boroviczeny et al. (13) OPS Healthy preterm vs. term neonates 28/9 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
Application OPS imaging; groups did not differ; RBC velocity increased from day 1 to 5 in preterm neonates alongside decrease of Ht
Genzel-Boroviczeny et al. (41) OPS Anemic preterm neonates receiving blood transfusion 13 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
FVD increased after blood transfusion; other microcirculatory or macrocirculatory parameters were unaltered
Kroth et al. (42) OPS Healthy preterm neonates 25 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
FVD decreased from week 1 to 4 and was correlated with Hb and incubator temperatures; VD and RBC velocities did not change over time
Weidlich et al. (43) OPS Preterm neonates:
proven infection vs. suspected but unproven infection
17/9 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
FVD varied widely, infection group showed 10% decline 5 days before AB compared to controls (intra-individual differences)
Top et al. (11) OPS Term neonates with severe respiratory failure:
VA ECMO vs. controls
14/10 Buccal mucosa FVD of ECMO patients was lower before start ECMO than of controls; FVD improved after ECMO
Hiedl et al. (44) SDF Preterm neonates: significant PDA vs. non-significant PDA 13/12 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
Group with significant PDA showed lower FVD and higher number of small vessels; after treatment groups did not differ
Top et al. (45) OPS Healthy term neonates vs. 1 to 6 month olds vs. 3 year olds 22/19/4 Buccal mucosa FVD was highest in first week of life; after first week no correlation between FVD and age
Ergenekon et al. (46) SDF Neonates with polycythemia requiring partial exchange transfusion 15 Cutaneous
After transfusion MFI and number of vessels with hyperdynamic flow increased from baseline values
Top et al. (47) OPS Term neonates with severe respiratory failure: VA ECMO vs. controls 21/7 Buccal mucosa FVD is preserved after start ECMO, while FVD deteriorated in ventilated controls
Alba-Alejandre et al. (48) OPS Term neonates:
mild/moderate infection vs. controls
16/31 Cutaneous
(ear conch)
Infection group showed lower PPV with continuous flow than controls
Schwepcke et al. (49) SDF Preterm neonates: postnatal hypertension vs. controls 10/11 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
Preterm neonates with hypotension showed higher FVD in the first 6 h after birth; at 12 h after birth both blood pressure and FVD did not differ between groups
Tytgat et al. (12) SDF Neonates undergoing laparoscopic surgery for hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 12 Buccal and sublingual mucosa Buccal FVD did not differ before and after surgery. Sublingual blood vessel diameters increased during CO2 insufflation and decreased after CO2 exsufflation
Ergenekon et al. (50) SDF Term neonates with HIE:
TH vs. controls
7/7 Cutaneous
Patients showed lower MFI and more vessels with sluggish flow than controls. After TH parameters
recovered to values of controls
Buijs et al. (6) SDF Term neonates with CDH: catecholamines vs. controls 28/28 Buccal mucosa Catecholamines improved the macrocirculation, but did not alter the microcirculation; impaired microcirculation was predictive of outcome
Van den Berg et al.
SDF Healthy term neonates 28 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)/buccal mucosa
Application SDF imaging; reproducibility of buccal PVD with SDF imaging was confirmed, cutaneous PVD showed poor reproducibility
Van Elteren et al. (17) SDF/IDF Healthy preterm neonates 20 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
IDF imaging showed higher TVD and lower PPV values than SDF imaging because of higher image quality
Van Elteren et al. (51) IDF Healthy preterm vs. term neonates 60/33 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
TVD decreased in first month of life in both groups; TVD was higher in preterm than in term neonates
Gassmann et al. (52) IDF Healthy term neonates:
born at high altitude vs. born at sea level
53/33 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
TVD was higher in neonates born at high altitude (lower SpO2 levels) than in neonates born at sea level
Wright et al. (36) SDF Healthy term neonates 42 Cutaneous
(ear conch)
Application SDF imaging; reporting of reference values for microcirculatory parameters for ear conch
Kulali et al. (53) SDF Healthy term neonates:
vaginal delivery vs. cesarean section
12/25 Cutaneous
Vaginal delivery group showed more vessels with hyperdynamic flow than cesarean section group; other parameters did not differ between groups
Puchwein-Schwepcke et al. (54) SDF Term neonates: infection treated with antibiotics vs. controls 13/95 Cutaneous
(ear conch)
Infection group showed lower FVD and higher proportion of hyperdynamic flow than control group; hyperdynamic flow was associated with 5-fold increased risk for infection
Puchwein-Schwepcke et al. (55) SDF Preterm neonates with extreme LBW: hypercapnia vs. controls (sub-analysis RCT) 6/6 Cutaneous
(upper inner arm)
Hypercapnia group showed lower FVD and relatively fewer small vessels than controls

BP, blood pressure; CDH, congenital diaphragmatic hernia; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; etCO2, end tidal carbon dioxide; FVD, functional vascular density; GA, gestational age; Hb, hemoglobin; HIE, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy; HR, heart rate; Ht, hematocrit; HVM, handheld vital microscopy; IDF, incident dark field illumination; LBW, low birth weight; OPS, orthogonal polarization spectral; PDA, persistent ductus arteriosus; PPV, perfused vessel density (%); RBC, red blood cell; SDF, sidestream dark field; TH, therapeutic hypothermia; TVD, total vessel density; VA ECMO, veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; VD, vessel diameter.