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Topic: Welcome to the SCORE study
Introduction to behavioral modification
Importance of sleep in relaxation and stress reduction
Introduction to the sleep diary
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Topic: Introduction to relaxation and healthy sleep habits
Review of sleep questionnaires
Review/discuss sleep diary
Action plan: sleep hygiene changes
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Topic: Biological Sleep Need: Part 1
Review other sleep questionnaire scores
Learn about biological sleep need and spending the right amount of time in bed.
Learn rationale for consistent sleep schedules
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Topic: Biological Sleep Need: Part II
Review/discussion of sleep diary
Adjust sleep timing if needed
Action plan: revise sleep schedule
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Topic: The Circadian Clock
Review circadian rhythm questionnaire scores
Learn about circadian rhythms
Adjust your sleep schedule if needed
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Topic: Resetting the circadian clock
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Topic: Travel and Jet Lag
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Topic: Summary and review of progress
Review/discussion of sleep diary
Action plan: continue with what is working, and identify other improvements
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Topic: Stress impairs sleep and well-being
Identify daily stress patterns
Learn to “put the day to rest”
Guidelines for technology
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Topic: Stress Reduction - Putting the mind to rest
Techniques for stress reduction
Learn to quiet the mind at bedtime
Awareness, acceptance and letting go
Action plan: sleep hygiene+sleep schedule+bedtime routine+mindfulness Daily sleep diary |
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Topic: Relaxation - Separating from thoughts
Techniques for relaxationObstacles to long-term prioritization of sleep |
Thoughts as leaves on a stream |
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Topic: Surfing the sleep wave