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. 2019 May 10;116(19):329–334. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2019.0329

eTable 3. Intra- and postoperative course*1.

CT group
(n = 37)
NCT group
(n = 37)
Intraoperative course
Type of atypical resection 0.746*2
Linear 32 (86) 31 (84)
Wedge 5 (14) 6 (16)
EndoGia 45 Turple (EGIA 45 AMT) 36 (97) 37 (100) 0.314 *3
Other stapler 1 (3) 0 1*4
Number of cartridges 3 [2; 4] 3 [2; 4] 0.839*2
Local adhesiolysis 1 (3) 2 (5) 0.5*4
Intraoperative complications 0 0 1*4
Postoperative course
Number of chest X-rays 4 [4; 4] 3 [3; 3] < 0.001*2
Skin emphysema 0 2 (5) 0.493*4
Pneumothorax (within 48 h postoperative) 0.493*4
< 2 cm apical 0 1 (3)
> 2 cm apical 0 1 (3)
Air fistula 1 (3)
Other complications
Pneumonia 1 (3) 0 1*4
Heart arrhythmias 0 1 (3) 1*4
Duration of pleural drainage (days) 1.5 [1.5; 1.5]
Re-operation 0 0 1*4
Renewed pleural drainage 0 1 (3) 1*4
Length of PO hospital stay (day) 2.5 [2.5; 2.5] 1.5 [1.5; 1.5] < 0.001*2

*1Number (%), median [25th; 75th percentile]; *2Mann-Whitney U test; *3Chi-squared test;

*4Fisher’s exact test

CT, chest tube; NCT, non–chest tube