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. 2019 Apr 30;7(2):34. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines7020034

Table 2.

Methods for Biofilm Analysis used with P. aeruginosa and S. aureus biofilms in vitro.

Category of Evaluation Principle/Target Method Overview Detection Method Example Detection Settings Example Model Systems References
Colony counting Viable cells are able to form colonies when plated on appropriate agar substrates Dispersions of cells are spread or drop-plated. Colonies formed counted after appropriate growth period Visual Agar plate [136,180,208]
SYTO 9 All Cells Nucleic acids stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FS, FM Ex: 485 nm
Em: 528 nm
Microtiter plate [150]
SYTO 9/PI All cells (SYTO9)
Dead/membrane permeable cells (PI)
Nucleic acids stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FS, FM Ex: 485 nm
Em: 528 or 645 nm
Microtiter plate, flow cell, collagen model [150,157,158,159]
Acridine orange All cells (nucleic acids) Nucleic acids stained and dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media FS Ex: 485 nm
Em: 528 nm
Microtiter plate [150]
Ethidium bromide DNA DNA stained and visualized. Appears orange when excited FS, FM Ex: 210 or 285 nm
Em: 605 nm
Constant depth film fermenter (CDFF) and glass microscopy slide [122]
Ziehl carbol fuchsin Bacterial cells Stains bacterial cells red/purple LM CDFF and glass microscopy slide [122]
DAPI DNA DNA stained and visualized. FM, LM Ex: 350 nm
Em: 470 nm
Microtiter plate and glass slide [136]
Metabolic Activity
Tetrazolium Salts (INT, TTC, CTC, XTT, and MTT) Reduction of Tetrazolium to formazan Dissolved dye from stained biofilms recovered and quantified AS INT: 470 nm
TTC: 405, 450, 490, 540 nm
XTT: 450-492 nm (486nm)
Microtiter plate, modified agar plate [150,161,162,172]
Resazurin (Alamar Blue, PrestoBlue, CellTiter-Blue) Reduction of Resazurin to resorufin Reagent incubated with media and biofilms FS, AS Ex: 560 nm
Em: 590 nm
Abs: 570 and 600 nm
Microtiter plate [173,174,208]
Bioluminescent Assay (BacTiter) Catalysis of ATP and luciferin by luciferase D-luciferin is used in these assays as it undergoes conversion by luciferase to oxyluciferin a light generating compound when in the presence of ATP L*S Microtiter plate [150,179,180,181,209]
Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) Cleavage of acetate by intracellular esterases FDA converted to yellow fluorescent fluorescein FS Ex: 494 nm
Em: 518 nm
Microtiter plate [182]
Crystal violet Stains negatively-charged molecules and polymers. All biomass (live, dead, and matrix) Stained biofilms dissolved in appropriate solvent AS 550 - 600 nm Microtiter plate [102,185]
Congo red Polysaccharides and cell membranes Stained biofilms dissolved in appropriate solvent AS 500nm Microtiter plate
CDFF and glass microscopy slide
Safranin Nuclei and mucin red Stained biofilms dissolved in appropriate solvent AS ~535 nm Microtiter plate [150,187]
Calcofluor white beta-polysaccharides in matrix Biofilms stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FS, AS Ex: 360, 365, or 400 nm
Em: 460, 435, 410 nm
Microtiter plate
CDFF and glass microscopy slide
SYPRO Ruby proteins Biofilms stained and dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media FS Ex: 450 or 460 nm
Em: 610 or 645 nm
Microtiter plate [150,188]
FITC proteins and amino-sugars Biofilms stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FS, FM Ex: ~488 nm
Em: 500-550 nm
Microtiter plate [150,188,189]
Concanavalin A (Con A) conjugates alpha-Mannopyranosyl and alpha-glucopyranosyl sugars Biofilms stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FS, FM Ex: 543 nm
Em: 550-600 nm
FITC-Con A polysaccharides Biofilms stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FS, FM Ex: 485 nm Em: 528 nm Microtiter plate [150]
Con A - Tetramethylrhodamine Alpha polysaccharides Biofilms stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FS, FM Ex: 555 nm
Em: 580 nm
Biofilm reactor [188]
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) Stains polysaccharides LM Microtiter plate and glass slide [136]
van Gieson Stains collagen Fibers and Bacterial DNA LM Microtiter plate and glass slide [136]
Vybrant DiD Lipids and Membranes Biofilms stained and visualized (M) or dispersed by vortexing in appropriate media (S) FM Ex: 644 nm
Em: 665 nm
Biofilm reactor [188]
Turbidity threshold method Quantification of dispersed cells Measure absorbance of bacterial suspension and bacteria-free media and compare to a known dilution series AS 600 nm Microtiter plate [150,209]
MacFarland standards Quantification of dispersed cells Measure absorbance of bacterial suspension and McFarland Standards (mixtures of H2SO4+BaCl2 or latex particles) AS 625 nm Microtiter plate
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Visualization of morphology and distribution of microorganisms and extracellular matrix (ECM) Biofilms typically fixed and negatively stained (SEM) SEM/Cryo-SEM/ESEM Varies by instrument Flat-bed perfusion system, collagen model [158,181,209,210]
Confocal scanning laser microscopy (CLSM) Isolation of 3D microbial community Use applicable stains and dyes listed above to visualize various aspects of the biofilm FM Varies by stain/dye Glass microscopy slide, flow cell [209,211]
Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH/PNA-FISH) Visualize patterns of microbial colonization Fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes hybridize to ribosomal RNA in cells that have been fixed and permeabilized FM Varies by stain/dye Glass microscopy slide [136,177,209]
Raman microscopy Mapping of microorganisms and ECM Raman spectra RM Varies by instrument/target Raman-neutral slide [209]
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) Mapping of local and global adhesive and cohesive forces Measure force-displacement curves Varies by instrument/target [97,212]
Micro-rheology Measure behavior of isolated bacteria under different physical conditions FM, LM Varies by stain/dye Flow cell [202]
Bulk rheology Biofilms have viscoelastic properties Measure viscoelastic properties of ECM matrix with microorganisms Rheometer Varies by instrument Agar plate, colony system [97]
Agar disk/well-diffusion Zone-of-inhibition of therapies measured Agar plates inoculated with bacteria are exposed to a therapy within a defined area. Following growth period, area of new growth measured Visual Agar plate [178]

Analysis: PI: propidium iodide; DAPI: 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; INT: 2-(p-iodo-phenyl)-3-p-(nitrophenyl)-5 phenyltetrazolium chloride; TTC: 2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride; CTC: 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride; XTT: 2,3-bis-(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide; MTT: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; FITC: fluorescein isothiocyanate; PNA: peptide nucleic acid. Detection Methods: M: Microscopy; S: Spectroscopy; F: Fluorescence; A: Absorbance, L: Light; L*: Luminescence; R: Raman; Ex: Excitation wavelength; Em: Emission wavelength.