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. 2019;8(1):70–83. doi: 10.21106/ijma.273

Table 1.

Meal frequency and food consumption pattern of the school-aged children

Variable (N=440) Frequency (N) Percentage (%)
Meal frequency per day

Less than 3 times 2 0.45

3 times 417 94.77

More than 3 times 21 4.77

Breakfast frequency per week

Never 0 0.00

1-2 days 1 0.23

3-4 days 1 0.23

5-6 days 52 11.82

Everyday 386 87.73

Feeding frequency in bukka/restaurant per week

Never 185 42.05

1-2 days 110 25.00

3-4 days 118 26.82

5-6 days 16 3.64

Everyday 11 2.50

Meal at school

Child buys lunch in school 127 28.86

Child takes food from home to school 150 34.09

Both 69 15.68

Neither 94 21.36