Figure 3.
The role of CMR in the assessment of HCM. (A) Cine-CMR four-chamber view—diastolic phase demonstrating hypertrophy of the apical segments of the left ventricle and apical insertion of the papillary muscle in a patient with apical HCM. (B) Cine-CMR short-axis view—diastolic phase demonstrating hypertrophy of the confluence of the basal anterior septum with the contiguous anterior free wall; this is the most common location of LV hypertrophy in patients with HCM. (C) Cine-CMR apical two-chamber view—diastolic phase showing a myocardial crypt (black arrow) located in the basal inferior wall in a patient without definite criteria for HCM (the maximum wall thickness was 13 mm). (D) LGE short-axis view of the patient in panel B, demonstrating patchy hyperenhancement of the hypertrophied segment indicating replacement fibrosis. CMR—cardiovascular magnetic resonance, HCM—hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, LV—left ventricle, and LGE—late gadolinium enhancement.