Usefulness of the App and Specific App Features
Overall, what did you think of using a mobile phone app to help you with your medications and heart health? |
Did you like being reminded to take your medications? |
What do you think about having a list of your medications on your phone? |
Did you find it useful to be able to track blood pressure and weight over time? |
What did you most frequently use the app for when you were using it? Which features were most and least useful? |
Perceived benefits and potential impact of the app use
Do you think the app changed your behaviours in any way? |
Do you now have better control over taking your medications and/or your heart health in general compared with before you took part in the study? |
If you found the app beneficial was that because of a specific part or feature? Or was it a general effect of the app as a whole? |
Engagement with the app
How did you use the app during your three months in the study? |
How often did you have the medication reminders? How often did you record your blood pressure and weight measurements in the app? |
How easy or difficult was it to use different features of the app? |