Table 1.
Patient-Related Factors | MM | Lymphoma |
Gender—male/female N | 26/27 | 21/26 |
Age (years) median (range) | 53 (44–84) | 47 (19–81) |
CIRS 1 median (range) | 5 (3–12) | 5 (3–11) |
Education—no higher education/higher education N | 26/27 | 20/27 |
Employment before disease—unemployed/employed N | 16/37 | 15/32 |
Marital status—married/not married N | 37/16 | 24/23 |
Anamnesis of oncological diseases among 1st order relatives—no/yes N | 32/21 | 34/13 |
HADS 2 median (range) | 7 (0–24) | 7 (0–23) |
Self-medication—no/yes N | 35/18 | 38/9 |
Health-system-related factors | ||
Place of residence—Vilnius/Kaunas/smaller cities N | 27/1/25 | 24/3/20 |
First consulted doctor—general practitioner/other specialist N | 44/9 | 42/5 |
Second consulted doctor—hematologist/other specialist N | 4/49 | 9/38 |
Oncologic diagnosis suspected after first visit/not suspected N | 15/38 | 15/32 |
Treatment 3 before correct diagnosis not administered/administered N | 22/31 | 28/19 |
Number of specialists before correct diagnosis median (range) | 3 (2–8) | 3 (2–10) |
1 CIRS—Cumulative Illness Rating Scale. 2 HADS—Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. 3 Either symptomatic treatment such as cough syrup for lymphoma, pain killers and massages for suspected radiculitis in myeloma or antibiotics for suspected infection.