Fig. 4.
Chronic treatment with Pt-compounds induces an increase of NPM1 in HCC70 cells. a Representative western blotting shows the NPM1 protein levels trend in HCC70 cells, chronically treated with CDDP and CBDCA at the indicated concentration for different time-points, as specified on the top of the panel. On the right side of each panel, the Molecular Weights (MW), expressed in kDa, are indicated. On the left side of each panel, specific antibodies used in the immunoblotting are indicated. b, c Histograms reporting the quantitative values corresponding to NPM1 protein amounts upon different time points of CBDCA (b) and CDDP (c) treatment compared to the basal untreated conditions and normalized on β-tubulin. Values express the mean viability ± SD from at least three independent replicates. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. d, e Representative western blotting shows the NPM1 protein levels trend in HCC1937 cells, chronically treated with CDDP (d) and CBDCA (e) at the indicated concentration for different time-points, as specified on the top of the panel. On the right side of each panel, the Molecular Weights (MW), expressed in kDa, are indicated. On the left side of each panel, specific antibodies used in the immunoblotting are indicated