Table 3.
Association between perceived parental human papillomavirus vaccine hesitancy score and provider level exposures using mixed-effect model (the mixed-effects models included one study exposure at a time and adjusted for age, race, gender, and provider type).
Provider-level factors | Estimate | Standard error | t value | P value |
Self-efficacy | –0.29 | 0.08 | –3.43 | .001 |
Outcome expectations | –0.37 | 0.09 | –4.05 | <.001 |
Confidence in vaccine effectiveness: very high versus other (ref) | –5.20 | 2.88 | –1.80 | .07 |
Confidence in vaccine safety: very high versus other (ref) | –4.8 | 2.77 | –1.72 | .009 |