Figure 2.
Histological detection of GAT1 and LacZ in the brain of adult gat1(5.7)lacz mice. A–E′, Sagittal brain sections from gat1(5.7)lacz transgenic mice were stained by anti-GAT1 antibodies (A–E) or anti-LacZ antibodies (A′–E′). Shown are images of whole brain (A, A′), cerebral cortex (Cx; B, B′), hippocampus (Hi; C, C′), cerebellum (Cb; D, D′), and olfactory bulb (Ob; E, E′). Abbreviations for this and subsequent figures: CA1, CA3, Fields of the hippocampus; DG, dentate gyrus; GL, ML, and PL are granule, molecular, and Purkinje cell layers, respectively. In all panels, arrows denote immunopositive cells. Scale bars: A, A′, 1 mm; D, D′, 100 μm; B, B′, C, C′, E, E′, 400 μm.