Neurogenesis and migration in the hippocampal SGZ. a, Sections from P25 aged mice immunostained with BrdU antibodies. Mice were injected with BrdU at P15. Control mice show most BrdU-positive cells near the SGZ layer; Tg1/Tg2 mice show a wider distribution of BrdU-positive cells in the GL. b, Densities of BrdU-positive cells in P15-old mice injected with BrdU pulses and killed after 24 h, 10 d, or 20 d. Note increased numbers of BrdU-labeled cells in Tg1/Tg2 mice. c, Low-power micrographs from control and Tg1/Tg2 hippocampal sections illustrating higher numbers of DCX-positive cells in the dentate gyrus of Tg1/Tg2 mice. d, Counts of PSA-NCAM- and DCX-positive neurons in the dentate gyrus of 5-month and 12-month-aged mice. e, g, Photomicrographs demonstrating the radial distribution of BrdU-positive cells and DCX-immunoreactive cells in control and Tg1/Tg2 mice; note the wider distribution of immunopositive neurons in Reelin-overexpressing mice. f, h, Histograms showing radial distribution of BrdU- and DCX-immunopositive neurons in the GL of control and Tg1/Tg2 mice. Notice that in Tg1/Tg2 mice, many neurons are not restricted to the inner GL. DiV, Days in vivo; H, hilus; ML, molecular layer; P15, postnatal day 15. Data are presented as mean ± SEM; *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001; Student's t test. Scale bars: a, c, 100 μm; e, g, 50 μm.