RALT. A, Letters “A” and “B” flanked either a female or a male facial display in social trials and a black circle in nonsocial trials. Subjects judged whether three-digit numerical items presented repeatedly on a computer screen belonged to either category “A” or “B”; visual feedback immediately followed each judgment. Neutral faces changed to happy for correct responses or to angry for incorrect responses in the social condition (S). Black circles changed to green for correct responses or to red for incorrect responses in the nonsocial condition (NS). Bi, Percentage correct responses for the nonsocial condition did not differ between male subjects treated with OT (n = 24) or placebo (PLC, n = 24). Bii, Oxytocin increased overall performance up to 27.3 ± 7.8% above chance level in male subjects, compared to 20.3 ± 8.3% above chance for placebo controls in the social condition (*p < 0.05). Biii, Reaction times for the nonsocial condition did not differ between male subjects treated with oxytocin or placebo. Biv, Reaction times for the social condition did not differ between male subjects treated with oxytocin or placebo. Ci, Percentage correct responses did not differ between two UW patients and controls (CTRL, n = 16) for the nonsocial condition. Cii, Percentage correct responses decreased in UW patients compared to controls for the social condition (see Results section for Z scores). Ciii, Reaction times did not differ between UW patients and controls for the nonsocial condition. Civ, Reaction times were increased for UW patients compared with controls for the social condition. Significance threshold *p < 0.05 indicates differences between groups. Error bars indicate SEM.