Evoked C2 zone climbing fiber activity in lobule HVI. A, Climbing fiber field potentials evoked by bilaterally convergent inputs from the ipsilateral (ip.) and contralateral (co.) forelimbs (FL), periocular regions (PO), and vibrissae (vib.), averaged for 20 trials. Two stimuli are presented 40 ms apart (dotted lines); note that the evoked potentials are characteristically diminished after the second stimulus. B, Peristimulus time histograms for complex spikes from a single-unit C2 zone Purkinje cell recording from another animal, showing the same pattern of evoked climbing fiber activity (50 trials per stimulus, bin width of 5 ms; ordinate scale, five counts/bin per division). Responses were evoked from all stimuli. Stimuli were single biphasic pulses presented at time 0 ms (dotted lines). Overlays of simple and complex spikes from the recording are presented (calibration: 1 ms, 0.25 mV).