Time course and contribution of K+ and Ca2+ currents to the AP firing is markedly different in KO-MCCs. Test solutions and protocols were similar to those used for WT-MCCs (see Fig. 8). a, Overlapped current traces recorded in control conditions, during nifedipine application (3 μm; nife; red trace), and with 135 mm TEA (blue trace) in a KO-MCC. The prespike Ca2+ current was particularly small compared with the postspike current. Left inset, K+ and Ca2+ currents relative to the dashed rectangle on a more expanded timescale. Nifedipine had a marked action on the inward currents but had only minor blocking effects on the outward K+ current, suggesting a small IKL component. Middle inset, Time course of IKtot, IKCa, and IKv, showing the larger contribution of IKv. IKtot and IKCa were obtained as described in Results. Right inset, Mean values of IKtot, IKL, IKnon-L, and IKv (n = 19). Notice the small contribution of IKL compared with WT-MCCs. b, K+ and Ca2+ currents recorded from a KO-MCC in which the BK currents (IKCa) were particularly small. Despite the near full block of the sizeable Cav1.2 current, nifedipine (nife; 3 μm) caused a paradoxical increase of the outward K+ current. As shown to the right, IKv was responsible for most of the outward K+ current.