Figure 4.
Effect of rule following minus rule acquisition (i.e., FollowingPhases1&2 minus SearchPhases1&2 and Discovery). Brain activation in both hemispheres is reported in the top part of the figure. Signal plots for each rule phase are reported for both the right and left superior temporal gyrus and the medial prefrontal cortex. Plots depict activity in experimental conditions relative to fixation [in arbitrary units (a.u.); ±90% confidence interval]; plots report the pattern of activity at the peaks of activation (i.e., single voxels) selected from the whole-brain contrast SPM maps. SrP1, SrP2, Dsv, FlP1, and FlP2 refer to SearchPhase1, SearchPhase2, Discovery, FollowingPhase1, and FollowingPhase2, respectively.