Figure 1.
Connectivity and small-world metrics throughout sleep at various thresholds, depicting the wavelet correlation threshold, clustering coefficient (C), gamma (C/Crandom), path length (L), lambda (L/Lrandom), and small-worldness σ (gamma/lambda) at all possible thresholds for S0, S1, S2, and SW, for the frequency band 0.03–0.06 Hz. A, There was a significant effect of sleep on Rthresh, with post hoc tests indicating that values were higher in S1/S2 than in S0/SW (Table 1). B, A significant effect of sleep on C is shown, with post hoc tests revealing higher values in S1/S2 than in S0/SW. C, Shows the reverse pattern for gamma as Crandom values were also highest in light sleep. D, E, The effect of sleep on L and lambda was not robustly significant. F, The significant effect of sleep on sigma (driven by gamma) is depicted, with post hoc tests revealing higher values in S0/SW than in S1/S2, or intermediate values for S0. **Significant at 0.001; *significant at 0.05.