Main effects of synchrony, task and interactions. Left, Main effect of synchrony (A, B), main effect of task (C, D), and task-dependent synchrony-enhanced activations (E, F) are displayed on sagittal and transverse sections of a normalized mean structural image. Right, Parameter estimates (across subjects' mean ± confidence interval) for the regressors indexing the synchronous (dark gray) and asynchronous (light gray) conditions during shape and motion discrimination within the single voxel at the given coordinates (circled voxel). The bar graphs represent the value of each parameter estimate in nondimensional, arbitrary units (a.u.; related to percentage whole brain mean). A, B, Increased activations for synchronous relative to asynchronous trials (p < 0.001, uncorrected; voxels > 50) in primary visual area within the calcarine sulcus (A) and primary auditory area within Heschl's gyrus (B). C, D, Increased activations (p < 0.001, uncorrected; voxels > 50) for shape task relative to motion task in anterior fusiform gyrus (C) and for motion task relative to shape task in posterior superior temporal sulcus (D). E, F, Significant interactions (p < 0.001, uncorrected; voxels > 50) between task and synchrony. Synchrony effects are enhanced during shape discrimination in lateral occipital regions (E) and during motion discrimination in the posterior superior temporal sulcus (F).