Fig. 6.
Epicardial activation is decreased in nrp1asa1485 hearts following cryoinjury. (A-D) Wild-type and nrp1asa1485 mutant cryoinjured fish on the tg(wt1b:EGFP)li1 background were analyzed for epicardial activation at 3 dpci by identification of wt1b:EGFP-positive cells (A,C), and were also stained with DAPI (blue; A,C) and anti-PCNA antibodies (red; C), as indicated. In A, smaller images represent DAPI staining (blue) and GFP staining (activated epicardium, green) only; larger images are the merged images. In C, boxed area in left panel is enlarged in the middle. Smaller images (right) represent PCNA staining (red) and GFP staining (activated epicardium, green) only; larger images in the middle are the merged images. (B) Quantification of percentages of wt1b:EGFP-positive cells adjacent to the area of cryoinjury (indicated by the dashed line in A,C) in wild-type (white bar) and nrp1asa1485 (gray bar) mutant fish. **P<0.01 (two-tailed t-test of n=5). (D) Quantification of percentages of cells positive for wt1b:EGFP and PCNA in the area of cryoinjury. P>0.05 [two-tailed t-test of n=6 and 5 for wild-type (white bar) and nrp1asa1485 (gray bar), respectively]. Individual data points (circles for wild type and squares for nrp1asa1485) represent percentages in individual hearts, each averaged from counts in two to four different sections covering the injury borders. epi, epicardium; IA, injury area; ns, not significant. White-dotted line delineates injury–epicardial border.