Despite severe morphological defects in early Sox2-deleted cochlea, sensory development still occurs. (A) Time points for deletion (E8.5 or E10.5) and harvest (E18.5). (B-G″) Sections through midmodiolar regions of E18.5 ears. (B) Midmodiolar section in Sox2+/+ controls. The number of openings seen in cross-section reflects the length of the cochlear spiral. Loss of SOX2 at E8.5 (C) or E10.5 (D) resulted in shortened cochleae that still developed sensory regions in the more basal regions, although the patterning was abnormal. Sensory formation was abolished in more apical cochlear turns (arrows) in which SOX2 was deleted. Hair cells only formed where SOX2 was present in the otic epithelium (E-G″, magnification of boxed areas in C and D). Scale bars: 100 µm (in D, representing B-D); 50 µm (in F″, representing E-G″).