Figure 1.
Task design and behavioral results. A, During encoding, participants intentionally learned associations (AB) and overlapping associations (BC) between two object stimuli. On each trial, object associations were presented for 3 s followed by a 1 s response period during which participants made a judgment of learning. B, After each encoding scan, participants were tested on directly learned associations and transfer trials (AC). On each test trial, a cue object was presented at the top of the screen, and participants made two-alternative forced-choice judgments selecting the correct association from two choice stimuli on the bottom of the screen. C, D, Proportion correct (C) and reaction times (D) for directly learned associations (black bars) and transfer trials (gray bars) for participants with good transfer performance and those with poor transfer performance. Error bars denote across-subject SEM. Asterisk denotes pairwise significance at p < 0.05, circled cross denotes trial type × group interaction at p < 0.05.