Aβ accumulates in the cell body and axon of neurons in the giant fiber system and causes age-dependent decline of flight ability and early death. A, A diagram of the GF system. Only half of the giant fiber system is drawn for clarity. B, Immunostaining of Aβ in control (top left) and Aβ (top right) fly CNS. Note the Aβ immunoreactive signal (indicated by red arrow) in the nerve bundle of DLM motor neuron. The bottom is a higher amplification of the middle segment of ventral ganglion in the top right. C, Age-dependent decline of flight ability in control and Aβ flies. DLMn, DLM motor neuron; TTMn, TTM motor neuron. CTRL is control flies containing only [Gal4]A307, [UAS]Aβ42×2, or [UAS]Aβarc transgene; the genotypes of Aβ42×2, Aβ42×1, Aβ40×1, and Aβarc are [Gal4]A307;[UAS]Aβ42×2, [Gal4]A307;[UAS]Aβ42×1, [Gal4]A307;[UAS]Aβ40×1, and [Gal4]A307; [UAS]Aβarc, respectively. n ≥ 30 flies for each data point. D, Quantification of survival rate against age. n = 100 flies for each genotype.