a,b) Gene tracks of H3K27ac, brachyury, and ATAC-seq
signal (units of reads per million per base pair) at the T and
MAX gene loci. For datasets with multiple samples (H3K27ac
and ATAC-seq), signals for samples are plotted as a translucent shape and darker
regions indicate regions with signal in more samples. An opaque line is plotted
and gives the average signal across all samples in the group. H3K27Ac ChIP-seq
was performed on 5 chordoma cell lines (UM-Chor1, MUG-Chor1, U-CH2, U-CH1,
JHC7); brachyury ChIP-seq was performed on 1 chordoma cell line (U-CH1) as
previously reported33; and
ATAC-seq was performed on two chordoma cell lines (2 biological replicates for
U-CH2 and 1 replicate for MUG-Chor1). c) Bar graphs of RNA-seq mRNA
levels for T and MAX across 5 chordoma cell
lines. Units are in transcripts per million (tpm). d) Gene
expression levels of the top 30 (of 115) super-enhancer (SE)-associated
transcription factors in 5 chordoma cell lines (points), ranked by mean
expression (horizontal ticks). e,g) Enhancers in chordoma cell
lines (UM-Chor1, MUG-Chor1, U-CH2, U-CH1, JHC7) or patient-derived chordoma
tumor tissue ranked by average H3K27ac signal across samples. SEs and associated
genes are annotated along the vertical axis and were determined by the
inflection point of the plot. f,h) Gene tracks of H3K27ac signal at
the T-amplified region in the JCH7 cell line and the
corresponding region in the MGH_1 chordoma tumor. The amplicon and
T-proximal SEs are shown (red boxes). i) Gene
tracks of H3K27ac signal across eight patient-derived chordoma tumor samples and
one matched normal adjacent muscle sample at the T locus.
j) Clustergram of chordoma samples hierarchically clustered by
similarity of H3K27ac signal at the union of all SE regions across samples.