Figure 2.
Hippocampal metal analysis of ZnT3 KO mice. a, Hippocampal zinc levels were assayed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in 3- and 6-month-old mice, showing that aging in both the WT and ZnT3 KO mice causes a significant decline. There is a significant additional zinc deficit in the ZnT3 KO animals at both ages. b, Zn levels were normalized to the Cu levels for each individual sample, showing that there is a significant drop in the Zn/Cu ratio with aging in WT and ZnT3 KO animals. The asterisks (*) represent means that are different from age-matched WT means, and delta (Δ) represents a difference between 3- and 6-month-old ZnT3 KO mice. ***, ΔΔΔ p < 0.001.