Comparative analysis of the optic nerve from wild-type and cbdnf ko mice. A, Light micrographs of semithin sections stained with toluidine blue of wild-type and cbdnf ko mice. Total area of the optic nerve (B), axonal density (C), and axonal numbers (D) in the optic nerve of cbdnf ko mice were not significantly different from wild-type values. E, Representative EM pictures of myelinated fibers in cross-sections of the optic nerve from wild-type and cbdnf ko animals. Axonal diameters (F), myelin sheath thickness (G), and G ratio (H) of cbdnf ko animals were not significantly different from wild type. Axonal diameters distribution of the optic nerve for a total of 455 axons (I). The frequency histogram indicates a unimodal pattern in both wild-type and cbdnf ko animals. All results are presented as mean ± SEM determined from the analysis of n mice per genotype (unpaired t test). The white bars represent wild-type, and the black bars represent cbdnf ko mice.