Dendritic morphology of hippocampal CA1 neurons from wild-type and cbdnf ko animals. A, Confocal image consisting of stacks of multiple optical sections showing the morphology of wild-type and cbdnf ko pyramidal neurons. Note the essentially unchanged dendrite complexity and length of pyramidal neurons in cbdnf ko compared with wild-type mice. B, D, Number of apical and basal dendrite intersections in wild-type and cbdnf ko pyramidal neurons. C, E, Sholl analysis comparing both apical and basal dendrites in wild-type and cbdnf ko pyramidal neurons. Spine density (F) and distribution of different spine types (G) in wild-type and cbdnf ko hippocampal CA1 neurons. All results are presented as mean ± SEM determined from the analysis of n CA1 pyramidal neurons per genotype (*p < 0.05, Student's t test). Scale bar, 100 μm. The open circles/bars represent wild-type CA1 pyramidal neurons, and the black circles/bars represent cbdnf ko CA1 pyramidal neurons.