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. 2019 Jul 9;10:1245. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01245


Overview of cognitive strategies used in the literature as intervention to improve performance decrements from prolonged cognitive activity.

Intervention Authors Study design N Self-control task Finding
Break and time of day 5 min break with stretching at 2 separate intervals Galinsky et al.,2007 Field study (data-entry workers). 51 Data entry. Improvement in speed without loss of productivity.
Five short breaks spaced hourly over 6 h flight Neri et al.,2002 Field study (a simulated flight study with a crew). 14 Objective vigilance. Subjective vigilance. Physiological measure (EEG/EOG). No improvement. Improvement. Improvement in the rate of unintended sleep episodes, theta-band activity (associated with working memory), and slow eye movement.
10 min break with relaxing music Tyler and Burns,2008 Experimental. 41 Stroop task. Improvement in speed and accuracy.
5 min of mindfulness mediation Friese et al.,2012 Experimental. 66 Test of attention. Improvement.
1st half of the day Kouchaki and Smith,2014 Experimental. 337 Moral decision-making task. Improvement.
Food and drinks Ingesting glucose (sweetened drink) McMahon and Scheel,2010 Experimental. 50 Probability-learning task. Improvement.
Masicampo and Baumeister,2008 Experimental. 121 Consumer decision task. Improvement (with decrease in reliance on heuristic-based automatic reasoning).
Owen et al.,2012 Experimental (double-blind, placebo controlled, six-way crossover study). 30 Word presentation. Immediate word recall. Serial threes (arithmetic). Serial sevens (arithmetic). Stroop task. Simple reaction time. Choice reaction time. Alertness (subjective report) Contentedness (subjective) Calmness (subjective) Improvement. Improvement. Improvement. Improvement. No improvement. No improvement. Improvement. Improvement. No improvement. Improvement.
Kennedy and Scholey,2000 Experimental (double-blind, placebo controlled, balanced crossover). 20 Serial sevens (arithmetic). Serial threes (arithmetic). Word retrieval. Improvement. Improvement. Improvement.
Scholey et al.,2001 Experimental (placebo controlled double-blind balanced crossover). 20 Serial Sevens (arithmetic). Word Fluency task. Word Recall task. Improvement. Improvement. No improvement.
Reay et al.,2006 Experimental (placebo controlled double-blind balanced crossover). 27 Serial Threes (arithmetic). Serial Sevens (arithmetic). Rapid visual information processing task. Participant report of mental fatigue (visual analog scale). Improvement in total number of subtractions in both tasks. Improvement in accuracy. Improvement in subjective reports of fatigue.
Caffeine (3 mg/kg body weight) Tieges et al.,2004 Experimental (double-blind, placebo controlled, cross-over design). 15 Alternating runs task. Physiological measure (EEG) Improvement in error rate and accuracy Increased ERN amplitude in ACC.
Ingesting caffeine and glucose Kennedy and Scholey,2004 Experimental (double-blind, placebo controlled, cross-over). 56 Serial Threes. Serial Sevens. Rapid Visual Information Processing Rating of mental fatigue. No improvement. Improvement with caffeine only. Improvement with caffeine-glucose. Improvement with caffeine-glucose.
Reawards and motivation Rinsing mouth with glucose (as a motivational strategy) Hagger and Chatzisarantis,2013 Experimental (includes 5 replication studies). 183 Handgrip persistence. Figure-tracing. Problem-solving. Stroop. Counting. Improvement. Improvement. Improvement. Improvement. Improvement.
Molden et al.,2012 Experimental. 31 Stroop task. Improvement.
Sanders et al.,2012 Experimental (replication of Molden et al., 2012). 51 Stroop task. Improvement.
Monetary reward Krebs et al.,2010 Experimental. 36 Stroop task. Improvement.
Monetary reward Goto and Kusumi,2013 Experimental. 46 Handgrip persistence task. Improvement.
Altruistic motivation and positive belief about outcome Muraven and Slessareva,2003 Experimental. 227 Puzzles and frustrating game. Improvement in goal persistence in both tasks.
Priming positive mood and rewards (e.g., by watching a comedy video, or receiving a surprise gift) Yvo et al.,2014 Experimental. 160 Weight-lift persistence task. Improvement in goal persistence.
Tice et al.,2007 Experimental. 204 Tasting beverage. Frustrating Solvable task. Frustrating Unsolvable task. Handgrip persistence task. Improvements in goal persistence.
Cognitive exercises Mental imagery of a restorative activity, i.e., perspective-taking Egan et al.,2012 Experimental. 190 Frustrating Unsolvable task. Handgrip persistence task. Improvement in goal persistence in all tasks.
Monitoring task performance against a set standard or criteria Wan and Sternthal,2008 Experimental. 181 Frustrating Solvable task. Frustrating Unsolvable task. Improvement in all tasks.
Practicing logical reasoning with daily mental exercises using paper and pen workbook Bertrams and Schmeichel,2013 Experimental. 49 Problem solving task (anagram). Improvement anagram performance.
Practicing self-control with daily internet-based training application based on Stroop task paradigm Cranwell et al.,2014 Experimental. 62 Counting task. Handgrip persistence task. Improvement in persistence and speed.