Figure 1.
Schematic depiction of a trial in Experiments 1 A) and Experiment 2 B) Participants memorized one centrally presented color (Experiment 1, A) or two colors (Experiment 2, B) presented to the left and right from fixation. In Experiment 1, the memory item was automatically the search template, target in the search task. In Experiment 2 an arrow retro-cue indicated which color was the target. During the delay period, a probe display was presented, which contained one colored disk. Participants were asked to ignore the probe display and wait for the search display. The task was to search for the memorized color in the search display, and report the orientation (left or right) of the arrow on it. In the example the arrow on the template color (red) points to the left. While in Experiment 1 the search display remained in the screen until response, in Experiment 2, participants had up to 1200 ms to respond.