A unilateral 6-OHDA injection into the MFB selectively reduces the normal morning peak of PER2 expression in the dorsal striatum ipsilateral to the lesion but does not affect the PER2 rhythm in the SCN. a, c, Photomicrographs showing PER2 expression in the intact and 6-OHDA-treated hemispheres in the dorsal striatum (a) and SCN (c) in rats killed at ZT1 or ZT13. b, d, Means ± SEM of PER2-IR nuclei on the intact and lesioned hemispheres in the dorsal striatum (b) and SCN (d) in rats killed at ZT1, 7, 13, and 19, 2 weeks after 6-OHDA treatment (n = 5–6 per ZT). *Significant difference between the intact and lesioned hemispheres, p < 0.05.