Figure 7.
Reduction of NR1 in PNs causes learning disturbance in PQBP1-mutant flies. A, Confocal microscopic analyses show reduction of dNR1 immunostain signals (red) in ALs of homozygous dPQBP1 mutant (PQBP1 mut). Transgenic expression of dPQBP1 (UAS-dPQBP1;PQBP1 mut) by endogenous enhancer-driven Gal4 recovers dNR1 to a level equivalent to wild type. The arrow in the top panels indicates AL. SMP indicates superior medial protocerebrum. The dotted line areas in the top panels are enlarged in bottom panels. The dotted lines in the bottom panels mark the AL regions. B, Quantitative analysis of dNR1 immunostain signals. The total dNR1 signals/total area of AL and SMP on the same stained section were quantified, and the ratios (AL/SMP) are shown in the graph (mean ± SE) for each genotype. The asterisk indicates significant difference (p < 0.05, Welch's t test). The number of experiments is shown above each bar. C, Western blot analysis of dNR1 with three genotypes of fly.