(A–B) Validation that Cyp19Cre (A) and Meox2Cre (B) are active in opposite compartments in the conceptus by crossing lines to the tdTomato reporter and assessing placentas and fetuses on day 16 of pregnancy. Boxes in A and B are shown in high magnification in i and ii, respectively. Scale bar for fetuses and placentas in A and B = 2 mm and 1 mm, in i and ii = 200 μm, and in iii and iv = 20 μm, respectively. (C) qRT-PCR for Pik3ca gene normalized to Gapdh in whole homogenates of fetus and placenta of Het-P, Het-F, Het-U and Hom-P mutants on day 19 of pregnancy, expressed as a ratio of their respective wild-type control (WT, denoted as a dotted line). Gapdh expression was not affected by genotype. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, and ***p<0.001 versus WT, unpaired t test. n ≥ 4 per genotype. Het-F = heterozygous deficiency in the fetus, Het-P = heterozygous deficiency in the placenta, Het-U = heterozygous deficiency in the fetus and placenta, Hom-P = heterozygous deficiency in the fetus and homozygous deficiency in the placenta, Jz = Junctional zone, Lz = Labyrinth zone, T = Trophoblast.
Figure 1—source data 1. Summary of the mouse strains and experimental crosses used in the study.* Note for Cyp19Cre mutants (Het-P and Hom-P) the frequency is actually ~half than stated, due to mosaic activity of this Cre line.