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. 2019 Apr 16;120(2):308–315. doi: 10.1002/jso.25474

Table 1.

Patient characteristics of stage 2 and 3 rectal cancer who received traditional therapy or induction chemotherapy (IC)

Patient characteristics Traditional (N = 33 012) IC (N = 3241) P value
Mean age (SD), n (%) 59.7 (12.2) 58.6 (12.3) <0.001
 <50 years old 7676 (23.3) 836 (25.8)
 50‐60 years old 9694 (29.4) 978 (30.2)
 60‐70 years old 8949 (27.1) 863 (26.6)
 70 + years old 6693 (20.3) 564 (17.4)
 Female 12 386 (37.5) 1216 (37.5) 1.0
Race/ethnicity, n (%) <0.001
 White 28 754 (87.1) 2717 (83.8)
 Black 2487 (7.5) 324 (10.0)
 Asian 1323 (4.0) 143 (4.4)
 Other 448 (1.4) 57 (1.8)
 Hispanic 1777 (5.6) 269 (8.6)
Insurance, n (%) <0.001
 Private insurance 17 113 (51.8) 1713 (52.9)
 Medicare 11 248 (34.1) 991 (30.6)
 Medicaid 2248 (6.8) 263 (8.1)
 Other government insurance 488 (1.5) 43 (1.3)
 Not insured 1509 (4.6) 189 (5.8)
Income quartiles, n (%) a <0.001
 <38K 5593(17.0) 595 (18.5)
 38K‐48K 8244 (25.1) 680 (21.2)
 48K‐63K 9017 (27.5) 819 (25.5)
 >63K 9963 (30.4) 1120 (34.9)
Education, n (%) a , b <0.001
 ≥29% (lowest edu) 5098 (15.9) 602 (19.3)
 20%‐28.9% 7.738 (24.2) 733 (23.4)
 14%‐19.9% 7979 (25.0) 714 (22.8)
 <14% (highest edu) 11 165 (34.7) 1079 (34.5)
Urban/rural patient location, n (%) <0.001
 Metropolitan 25 173 (78.1) 2595 (83.3)
 Urban/Suburban 6166 (19.1) 443 (14.2)
 Rural 911 (2.8) 76 (2.4)
 Average distance travelled to hospital (SD), miles 31.5 (104.7) 30.3 (102.4) 0.56
Rectal cancer clinical stage <0.001
 Stage 2 15 305 (46.4%) 1311 (40.5%) <0.0001
  T3 13 342 1076
  T4a 559 64
  T4b 453 78
Stage 3 17 707 (53.6%) 1930 (59.6%) <0.001
  T1/2N1 2791 146
  T1N2a 19 4
  T1/2N2b 20 5
  T2/3N2a 1966 226
  T3/4aN1 10 499 1299
  T4aN2a 178 26
  T3/4aN2b 277 43
  T4bN1/2 603 105
Charlson/Deyo score, n (%) 0.35
 0 26 314 (79.7) 2588 (79.9)
 1 5383 (16.3) 516 (15.9)
 2 1001 (3.0) 96 (3.0)
 3 314 (1.0) 41 (1.3)
Stage 4 on pathology 434 (2.6) 52 (3.1) 0.18
Receipt of postoperative chemotherapy 11 513 (34.9) 941 (29.0) <0.001
 Path stage 2/3 6415 512
 Path stage 4 167 18
Complete regression on pathology, n (%) 3698 (30.4) 370 (32.2) 0.2

Assigned by zipcode of patient's residence.


Proportion of population without high school degree.