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. 2019 Jul 16;9:10264. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-46706-7

Table 2.

Breakdown of municipalities with surplus and deficits of nutrients in relation to their share of arable land, crop nutrient needs, and nutrients in excreta at the national level.

Municipality balance N P K
Surplus Deficit Surplus Deficit Surplus Deficit
No. Of Municipalities 128 162 123 167 235 55
Arable land (1000) ha 648 1931 871 1707 1995 584
% of Total 25 75 34 66 77 23
Crop nutrient need tons 44827 148841 7679 23309 55600 21322
kg/ha 69 77 9 14 28 37
% of total 23 77 25 75 72 28
Livestock excreta supply tons 44506 62882 10861 9394 101940 14321
kg/ha 69 33 12 6 51 25
% of total 41 59 54 46 88 12
Human excreta Supply tons 20974 17044 2730 2321 10343 1595
kg/ha 32 9 3 1 5 3
% of total 55 45 54 46 87 13
Total nutrients as excreta tons 65480 79925 13591 11715 112283 15915
kg/ha 101 41 16 7 56 27
% of total 45 55 54 46 88 12
Net balance tons 20653 −68916 5912 −11594 56683 −5407
kg/ha 32 −36 7 −7 28 −9
% of national crop need 11 −36 19 −37 74 −7

The net balance is the difference between crop needs and total nutrients in excreta, which is also expressed as a percentage of crop nutrient needs. These balances do not include the synthetic fertilizer supply which was only available at national scale.