1. |
Aware of female sterilization |
2. |
Aware of male sterilization |
3. |
Aware of oral pill |
4. |
Aware of IUD |
5. |
Aware of injectables |
6. |
Aware of implants |
7. |
Aware of female condom |
8. |
Aware of LAM |
9. |
Level of disagreement with the statement that use of contraceptive injection can make a woman permanently infertile |
10. |
Level of disagreement with the statement that people who use FP end up with health problems |
11. |
Level of disagreement with the statement that contraceptives reduce women’s sexual urge |
12. |
Level of disagreement with the statement that contraceptives can cause cancer |
13. |
Level of disagreement with the statement that contraceptives can lead to deformed babies |
14. |
Level of disagreement with the statement that contraceptive are dangerous to women’s health |
15. |
Level of disagreement with the statement that women who use FP may become promiscuous |
16. |
Approve that government officials should speak openly in favor of FP |
17. |
Perceived self-efficacy to start a conversation with partner about FP |
18. |
Perceived self-efficacy to convince partner that they should use FP |
19. |
Perceived self-efficacy to get to a place where FP offered if he decided to use |
20. |
Perceived self-efficacy to obtain FP if he decided to use |
21. |
Perceived self-efficacy to use FP even if partner opposed use |
22. |
Perceived self-efficacy to use FP even if none of his friends/neighbors used |
23. |
Perceived self-efficacy to use FP even if religious leader did not think that he should |
24. |
Discussed contraceptive use with partner during the last 6 months |
25. |
Approved of FP |