NSE4A Is Induced Upon DNA Damage Stimulus.
(A) Transcriptional response of the ProNSE4A and ProNSE4B promoters after 7 d of treatment with 10 µM zebularine (Zeb) in the root apical meristem (RAM) and differentiated root (DR) section with emerging lateral roots (LR). Scale bars = 50 µm.
nse4a-2 ProNSE4A:NSE4A:VENUS (4A-VENUS) accumulation in the RAM under control conditions and with 10 µM zebularine (Zeb). Error bars = 50 µm.
(C) Transcriptional response of the ProNSE4A and ProNSE4B promoters to 25 nM bleocin treatment. Each composite image shows (from top to down and from left to right) the following: cotyledons and the first pair of true leaves, main root apical meristem, detail of the first pair of true leaves, and differentiated root zone.